By performing sophisticated surgeries with its SSI Mantra surgical robotic system, which was created in India, SS Innovations International has accomplished a critical milestone and made substantial strides in robotic-assisted surgery. With the help of fibre optic communication, the SSI Mantra system accomplished India’s first robotic telesurgery, successfully executing a cholecystectomy over a 5 kilometre distance between doctor and patient without experiencing any noticeable delay. This innovative procedure demonstrates how the system may provide cutting-edge surgical treatment to isolated locations.
Surgical robots are cutting-edge medical tools made to help surgeons carry out difficult operations with more control, flexibility, and accuracy than is achievable with traditional methods. These systems typically include a high-definition 3D viewing system, a control panel for the surgeon, and robotic arms fitted with surgical equipment.
This invention puts SS Innovations in a position to lead the way in lowering the cost and increasing access to robotic surgery, which might revolutionize healthcare delivery in India and elsewhere.
- SSI Mantra 3, Democratizing access to robotic surgery, available from
- SSI Innovations achieves breakthrough in human telesurgery, financial express healthcare, published on June 14 2024
- Sudhir K. Rawal, Ashish Khanna, Amitabh Singh et al, Robotic uro-oncology applications of SSI Mantra™ robot, Asian Journal of Urology,