By performing sophisticated surgeries with its SSI Mantra surgical robotic system, which was created in India, SS Innovations International has accomplished a critical milestone and made substantial strides in robotic-assisted surgery. With the help of fibre optic communication, the SSI Mantra system accomplished India’s first robotic telesurgery, successfully executing a cholecystectomy over a 5 kilometre distance between doctor and patient without experiencing any noticeable delay. This innovative procedure demonstrates how the system may provide cutting-edge surgical treatment to isolated locations.

Surgical robots are cutting-edge medical tools made to help surgeons carry out difficult operations with more control, flexibility, and accuracy than is achievable with traditional methods. These systems typically include a high-definition 3D viewing system, a control panel for the surgeon, and robotic arms fitted with surgical equipment.

This invention puts SS Innovations in a position to lead the way in lowering the cost and increasing access to robotic surgery, which might revolutionize healthcare delivery in India and elsewhere.

  1. SSI Mantra 3, Democratizing access to robotic surgery, available from
  2. SSI Innovations achieves breakthrough in human telesurgery, financial express healthcare, published on June 14 2024
  3. Sudhir K. Rawal, Ashish Khanna, Amitabh Singh et al, Robotic uro-oncology applications of SSI Mantra™ robot, Asian Journal of Urology,

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